Opinions and Results of some of our program participants:
There is tremendous fear among people about heart disease and most of us believe that heart disease is usually fatal and only expensive treatments like angioplasty or bypass are the remedies for this ailment. As a result when heart disease is diagnosed, most of the people become extremely worried about the survival and exorbitant medical expenses. But the fact is that many such patients can be treated with conservative careful medical management and diet-supervised exercise - stress management program with much less expenditure and good lasting benefits. Here are some striking examples of patients who had significant-stable heart disease or had recurrent heart problems even after angioplasty / bypass and did quite well with less expensive medical management and supervised exercise-lifestyle management program.
Dr. Rasu Vakil : Director, CEPT University Chairman, VMS Consulants (R: 079- 27486383 )
I was introduced to cardiac rehabitation programme over fifteen years ago when I had a small heart episod. in every such situation there is a great amount of fear in the patient and family coupled with uncertainty about future.One does not know whom to turn to who can provied reliable advice, guidance and help, especially with implications of medical treatment and interventions. Cardiac rehabitation programme becomes a boon in such circumstances. Over the long period of time that I have been associated with such programmes i found several benefits and adventages.
Cardio Uno has been doing yeoman's service in the field of prevention and rehabilitation of heart disease under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Shailesh Desai. The programme has benefited hundreds of people not only in the city of Ahmedabad but also in Gujarat in general. There is great need for more such programmes are viable in private practice which creates a hope that other medical practitioners can consider this as an alternative career. He has as also shown an alternative mode of service to the socitey to philanthropic organizations at Cardio Uno Plus where he has created state of the art facilities which are made available at affordable prices under the sponsership of Manibhai Bros. Charitable trust.
Shreyas V . Pndya : Director Sahitya Mudranalaya Pvt. Ltd.
Former president : Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ahmedabad Printing press Association
Former Vice president (West) : All India Federration of Master Printers
I was introducse to Dr. Shailesh Desai somewhere in the year 1989 from my diabettic and related problems.
I had undergone the rehabitation programmed at the Pritamnagar Health Care Unit under the guidance and care of Dr. Shailesh Desai nearly for six months. All my problems of Breathing, sleep, triedness and diabetes were solved then after.
At the interval of every 2-3 years I used to go under the programme to recharge myself. I am sure many more have been benifited with such programmes introduced by Dr. Shailesh Desai, Which ultimately lead him to set up Cardio-uno and Cardio-Uno-plus.
Medical facilities have expanded a lot in Ahmedabad, many NRI's have started selecteing Ahmedabad for thier various surgerirs like heart and knee replacesment, but there is still a crises of confidence in the mind of patients i.e. whether the treatment given is really required by him? I belive efforts of Dr. Shailesh Desai in this directions of providing most economic and simple treatment to comman man has strenthened the trust ofpatients in the noble profession.
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